Wednesday, October 15, 2014


If I was to choose which empire I would like to visit, I would most likely visit the Japanese empire. It would be interesting to see how social classes were during this time period compared to social classes now. It would also be interesting to compare Medieval Japan to modern day Japan, and to see how their cultures have changed since then. I also would like to simply just travel to Japan in general, even if it was in modern times, just to see how different their culture is. I would like to see how differently it is having an emperor as a ruler instead of a president, and how the shoguns took part in ruling medieval Japan.

I think the Chinese were the most influential empire out of all of the others discussed in this blog. They were the empire that invented gunpowder, and without gunpowder many wars would have turned out differently and many things would have turned out differently. For example the Ottomans would not have been as successful without gunpowder, which was their primary advantage against opposing empires. The world would be different today without the Chinese empire because of this invention alone, not to mention all of the other things the Chinese have done for the world. They are still an important part of the world today, for many thing bought in stores such as toys or other products are likely made in China.

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