Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Ming and Qing Dynasties

Ming Porcelain was considered superb
The people in the Ming and Qing dynasties loved art and literature. Even though they were more technologically advanced than the rest of the world and their art skills were superb they did not trade with anyone outside of china because they wanted to isolate themselves and preserve their culture. They did not want to be influenced by items and customs from Europe or other places.

The Ming emperor began as a peasant, who started a rebellion and eventually overthrew the emperor. He then founded the Ming dynasty, which became very powerful and prosperous. He reduced taxes while increasing trade, agriculture, stability, influence, and prosperity. Instead of continuing to expand influence he turned to isolation instead in order to preserve Chinese culture. He heavily restricted trade and contact with foreigners.
Agriculture was a big part of the economy

In the late 1500s several weak rulers took the throne. Due to this taxes raised and rebellions started. The Manchu from the north saw this as an opportunity and overthrew the Ming emperor and founded the Qing dynasty. The Qing dynasty mainly prospered under the rule of Kangxi and Qianlong. Population boomed, economy thrived, and agriculture grew heavily.

For a while China was far more technologically advanced than the rest of the world, however due to isolation other countries soon surpassed China and China could not keep up with their rivals. Do to this the Chinese imperial rule collapsed.

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